Page 6 - Rose e-book
P. 6

Geraniol and Colon Health

        One of the top constituents of Rose and Geranium essential
        oils is the monoterpene alcohol geraniol. Egyptian researchers

        recently published (September 2015) their findings, from an

        experimental non-clinical study, that orally ingested geraniol
        positively affects multiple biochemical pathways in the

        colon.* These pathways are involved in maintaining the
        health of colon cells. Not surprisingly, Geranium oil is one of

        the oils in the Zendocrine Detoxification Blend.

        An important aspect of digestive health is microbial balance

        in the colon (large intestine). Incredibly, there are over 10
        million different types of bacteria in the colon. Many of these
        bacteria are beneficial; some are not. A proper balance of

        the different types of bacteria in the gut is crucial for colon

        and digestive health. In a preliminary preclinical study, Italian
        researchers found that ingested geraniol effectively supports

        healthy microbial balance (March 2016).* Geraniol, the top
        component of both Rose and Geranium essential oils, is
        known to support colon health.*

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