Page 8 - The Solar System
P. 8

Text 1 - Solar System
Listening Activity - Lyrics Completion

Name: …………………………………………………………………………………….  Date: ………………………………….

Instruction: Listen to the song and complete the lyrics.

I am the Sun.                        I am Jupiter.
I’m a burning ball of …….……………       I’m a gas …….…………….
I’m very big indeed.                 I’m the …….…………………… and
…….…………… on Earth depends on me.     I spin the fastest.
I am the …….……………                    I have the biggest moon.
                                     I am …….……………

I am Mercury.                        I am Saturn.
I’m the …….…………… planet to the Sun.  I’m a gas giant.
I’m a ball of …….……………               My rings are made of …….……………
I have no moon.                      …….…………… is my biggest moon.
I am …….……………                        I am …….……………

I am Venus.                          I am Uranus.
I’m the …….…………… size as the Earth,  I’m an icy …….…………… giant.
but I spin the other way             I’m the …….……………………. planet
and much more slowly.                in our solar system.
I have no …….……………                   And I have rings made of dust.
I am …….……………                        I am …….……………

I am the Earth.                      I am Neptune.
The place where we all …….……………      I’m an icy gas giant.
There is land and lots of sea,       I’m the …….………………..… planet
so I look …….……………                   from the Sun.
I have a moon.                       I have many …….……………
I am the …….……………                    I am …….……………

I am Mars.                           We are the …….…………… …….…………………
I’m a …….……………, red planet.
My mountains are the highest                Passionate_Teacher_Tools
in our solar system.
I have …….…………… moons.
I am …….……………
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