Page 28 - World Cup 2017 Magasin
P. 28


                        Flying changes                              Pirouette
                        The flying change is performed in one stride   The pirouettes are usually carried out at
                        with the front and hind legs changing at the   collected canter, but can be executed at piaffe.
                        same moment. The change of the leading
                        front and hind leg takes place during the   At the pirouette the forefeet and the outside
                        moment of suspension. Flying changes can    hind foot move around the inside hind foot.
                        be executed in sequences at every 4th, 3rd,   The inside hind leg describes a circle as small
                        2nd or every stride.                        as possible. During the pirouette the horses
                                                                    should maintain its activity and never move
                                                                    backwards or sideways.
                        Piaffe is a highly collected, cadenced, elevated   Passage
                        diagonal movement giving the impression of   The passage is a measured, very collected
                        remaining in place. The horse’s back is supple   and cadenced trot. It is characterised by a
                        and elastic. The hindquarters are lowered; the   pronounced engagement of the hindquarters,
                        haunches with active hocks are well-engaged,   a more accentuated flexion of the knees
                        giving great freedom, lightness and mobility   and hocks, and the graceful elasticity of
                        to the shoulders and forehand.              the movement. The neck should be raised
                        The piaffe must always be animated by a     and gracefully arched with the poll as the
                        lively impulsion and characterised by perfect   highest point and the nose line to the vertical.
                        balance. While giving the impression of     The horse should remain light, and soft “on
                        remaining in place, there may be a visible   the bit” without altering the cadence. The
                        inclination to advance, this being displayed   impulsion remains live and pronounced. Both
                        by the horse’s eager acceptance to move     the transition from the passage into the piaffe
                        forward as soon as it is asked.             and from the piaffe into the passage should
                                                                    be fluent and clearly defined, without the
                                                                    slightest hesitation or disturbance.

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