Page 24 - World Cup Herning Magasin
P. 24
Cup™ in dressage in Herning is the first out of Final allocations
nine qualifications in the 2017/2018 season The Western European league is guaranteed
of the Western European league. nine participants in the dressage final, the
North American- and the Central European
The four best results count leagues each have two participants, while
The riders can compete in four or five World the Pacific- and Non-League National
Cup qualifications and the best four results Federations have one participant. In addition,
will count in the total score. The riders can the defending champion is guaranteed a spot
choose to start in other leagues than their and two wild cards are given.
own after a certain set of rules. The World
Cup includes two dressage programmes: A Three riders from each country
Grand Prix and Grand Prix Freestyle and only A single Western European country can
the result of the Freestyle is counting in the achieve a maximum of three participants
qualification for the final. in the dressage final. Although Denmark
for example has four riders at the top of
The scores the qualification list, only three of them can
FEI has developed a point system, where compete in the final. Which riders will be
for example the winner of Freestyle with 15 decided by the national coach. There are
participants will receive 20 points. The fewer also national quotas for the nine qualification
participants in the Freestyle, the fewer points rounds. This means that only four Danish
the winner gets. This means that the greater riders can compete in the World Cup Qualifier
the competition, the more points are at stake. in Odense. The rest of the seats are reserved
for other countries.