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               March 2019 • NVRA eVoicearch 2019 • NVRA eVoice

            2019-20 Board of Directors

            NVRA Announces


                         NVRA’s Nominating Committee has met and selected candidates
                               for the following board positions. They are as follows:

                                    PRESIDENT-ELECT –

                                    Jan McLeod, CVR (Arkansas)

                                    Jan McLeod, CVR has been an official court reporter for Division III Circuit Court in
                                    Benton County, Arkansas, reporting all juvenile cases, adult drug court, juvenile drug court,
                                    Veterans treatment court, and domestic relations since 2001. Jan previously served as an
                                    official reporter in domestic relations from 1984 through 1988. She began her court
                                    reporting career in 1981 as a freelance reporter covering the gamut of federal grand jury
                                    work, Arkansas Workers’ Compensation, depositions, utility hearings, military court martial
                                    hearings, just to list a few. Even taking depositions in a home, while the deceased owner
                                    “lies in state” on the living room couch covered with stuffed animals. She served as Vice
        President of Arkansas Court Reporters Association from approximately 1983 through 1988. Jan has served on NVRA’s
        Board as Secretary and Treasurer. Jan is currently serving as Vice-President of NVRA.

                                    VICE PRESIDENT –

                                    Gail Conaway, CCR, CVR-M, RVR (Missouri)

                                    Gail Conaway, CCR, CVR-M, RVR has been a court reporter since 2004. She started
                                    using Dragon and SpeechCat in 2004. In addition to being a working reporter, Gail has been
                                    a member of Missouri Court Reporters Association since 2004. She has been a board
                                    member for many years including Region II Vice President for the years 2008 to 2010. Gail
                                    was elected vice president of the association in 2011. She went off the board for a couple of
                                    years to spend time with her grandchildren. Gail went back on the board as treasurer in
                                    2014 and held that position until April, 2017. Gail has also been a member of the National
                                    Verbatim Reporters Association since 2004. She has been the secretary on the NVRA Board
        of Directors for two years. Gail currently lives in Holt, Missouri with her husband. She has four children and seven
        grandchildren. In her spare time, Gail enjoys quilting and running races.

                                    SECRETARY –

                                    Carley Adamson, CCR, CVR (Georgia)

                                    Carley Adamson, CCR, CVR has been a court reporter since December 2016 after a
                                    16-year career in medical transcription. After more than two years learning steno, she
                                    switched to voicewriting and has never looked back. She was the recipient of the Horace
                                    Webb Award from Brown College of Court Reporting in 2016. When Carley is not working
                                    hard, she enjoys binge-watching shows on Netflix with her husband of 22 years, Brian,
                                    talking about cars and navigating the college world with an autism spectrum disorder with
                                    their 19-year-old son, Jordan, watching their 16-year-old son, Liam, play football and excel
                                    in his academics as a straight-A student, and watching their 14-year-old daughter, Layla,
        cheer on her football team, also excelling in academics as a straight-A student. Carley also loves playing with her 5-year-old
        Jack-O-Weenie, Lola Belle.
                                                                                                   (continued on page 5)
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