Page 12 - DreamingOfFood-Formatting Vs.8
P. 12

Nothing budged.  No squeak.  The door would not

              open. He took a step backwards, extremely puzzled. He

              could imagine the butter pecan, melting in his mouth, that

                                          feeling of eternal pleasure, so

                                              close, yet… What could be

                                              wrong? Was there an invisible

                                           lock in the freezer door? Was

                                            the door being rebellious, just

                                          like he was at times?

                                            I will not give up. I will not give

                                      up, he muttered to himself.  The

                                      third time would be a winner!

                                       Almost tasting those chocolate

                                           chips oozing through his tongue,

                                     he got ready; both legs swaying

              slightly, arms straight ahead, body bent, eyes

              concentrated on his goal. “Push,” he whispered. “Push,

              push, push,” he could hear the chocolate chips calling. He

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