Page 156 - Teknipure - SalesPresentation V2 (06-18-2019)
P. 156
Lighter Weight, High Performance Material: In recent outweigh the price differences:
years, cleanroom wiper manufacturers have developed • Cost of purchasing and handling hazardous solu-
lighter weight, high performance versions of polyester tions.
wipers that offer the same level of performance as pre- • Cost of purchasing and maintaining blending
vious heavy weight versions. The cost savings equipment.
generated can range from 20-40% or more depending • Cost of personnel required to blend solutions ➤
on the current product being used.
Additional benefits can also be
derived from a reduction in landfill
waste or disposal costs.
Cleanroom Wiper is Over-Specified for
the Application: End users sometimes
over-specify the wiping material to
ensure that there is no migration of
particles and fibers from a less criti-
cal area to a critical area. This
problem can be overcome by proper
procedures, visual management
tools, and training. If less critical
hydro-entangled non-woven wiping
materials can be used in place of
more costly polyester knit wipers,
the savings that could be realized
can be 50% or greater.
One of the issues found most
often during an audit is that personnel
are utilizing poor wiping technique TM
when cleaning processing equipment
and surfaces. Using a poor wiping
technique not only leads to increased Think about your work — not what you're
wiper usage and cost but can also working in.
significantly impact cleaning efficien- • Automatically maintains precise airflow
cy and process and product yields
further increasing the actual manu- • Continuously displays remaining HEPA filter life
facturing costs. As this issue not only • Uses 60% less energy than other cabinets
impacts the actual wiper usage but
could also negatively impact efficien- • Programmable startup, shutdown and
standby modes
cy and yields, the cost savings can
sometimes be dramatic. • Brighter, quieter, cooler
Pre-Wetted Cleanroom Wipers: While Visit or call 1-800-732-0031 to
pre-wetted wipers are more expen- learn more about how we think outside the box, so
sive in price, a thorough evaluation of you can do your thinking inside.
all the costs associated with the use of
dry wipers and squirt/spray bottles
will result in an overall lower manu-
facturing cost. The manufacturing
costs associated with preparing in-
house solutions and the inefficiencies Kansas City, Missouri
associated with wetting cleanroom 800-732-0031
wipers internally may significantly
Controlled Environments June 2009 11
2150 W. Broadway Rd | Suite 104, Mesa, AZ 85202 USA • 844.309.2376 •