Page 2 - The Panozzo Team - International Real Estate Guide
P. 2

FIRPTA –– Does This Apply to You?

                                     Foreign Investment in Real Property Tax Act
           FIRPTA is a U.S. law governing the sale of real property by non-resident aliens and foreign entities
           when the property is located within the United States.

                   Is Seller a US Citizen                                  YES
                     or a US Resident?                               Complete Certification of

                                                                        Non-Foreign Status

                        NO                             Is Seller                                 YES
                                                   recognizing a gain
                                                   of more than 10%?                    • See your CPA or tax attorney
                                                                                          regarding application form 8288B
                                                                                          for an IRS Withholding Certificate
                                                                                        • Carefully review FIRPTA
                                                                                         Withholding Agreement. All
                                                                                         parties, including seller’s tax
                                                                                         professional, must sign this
                                                                                        • Escrow provides an estimated
                   Does the Buyer have                                                     Seller Statement
                   definite plans to use
                    the property as his                 No
                    residence and sales
                      does not exceed               Buyer Requests 10%
                        $300,000?                     Withholding

                                                 If so instructed, Escrow will withhold 15% pending receipt of Withholding Certificate.
                    Complete Buyer’s             Internal Revenue Code Provides:  Withholding is not required if the Buyer acquires the property for
                                                 use as a home and the sales price is not more than $300,000. The Buyer or a member of their family
                     Declaration for             must have definite plans to reside at the property for at least 50% of the number of days the
                   $300,000 Residence            property is used by any person during each of the first two 12 month periods following the date of
                     Exception form              transfer. When counting the number of days the property is used, do not count the days the property
                                                 will be vacant.

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