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16                    Realty News                                                                                                 January

                        How to get Multiple Offers on                                                         Tina Abramenko

                        Your Property and Sell for More                                                        REALTOR

                        than List Price?

                                            буду рада помочь:-)

                                                                778-868-7224                                  Master Certified Negotiation Expert

                                                                                                                                        in Real Estate

                                                                                  #102-403 North Rd, Coquitlam, BC, V3K 3V9

         Buyer Beware:                                        ing, an important     Meeting (AGM) or a Special Gen-
         5 Bylaws to Watch When                               part of the buyer’s   eral Meeting (SGM). Practically
                                                              due diligence pro-
                                                                                    speaking, most large strata corpora-
         Buying a Condo                                       cess is reviewing     tions will have adopted their own
                                                              and understanding
                                                                                    custom bylaws.
         Buying a condo? The legal doctrine                   the current bylaws
         of caveat emptor (“let the buyer     of the strata corporation. A failure   Bylaws are only enforceable if
         beware”) continues to apply to real   to review the bylaws can lead to     they are registered with the Land    chasers should consider ordering
         estate transactions in BC today, and   nasty, unwanted surprises for new   Title and Survey Authority (LTSA).   a copy of the strata corporation’s
         can have the effect of denying the   homeowners later down the road.       However, there is no strict time     registered bylaws from the LTSA
         buyer a remedy for defects and defi-  Schedule “A” of the Strata Property  limit within which a strata corpora-  prior to submitting an offer.
         ciencies discovered in the property   Act establishes a standard set of    tion must register the bylaws at the
         after purchase. In general, the onus   bylaws that apply to all strata cor-  LTSA after their adoption by the   In addition to reviewing the reg-
         is on the buyer to determine the     porations unless some or all of them  owners. In a seller’s condo market,   istered bylaws, it is important for
         state and quality of the property be-  have been replaced by custom by-    it is not unheard of for prospective   prospective purchasers to request a
         ing sold – rather than on the seller   laws. Any bylaw amendment must      purchasers to submit offers with-    “Form B” Information Certificate.
         to point out any potential problems.  be passed by a three-quarter vote of   out any subjects. In such cases,   Продолжение в февральском
         When purchasing into a strata build-  owners at either an Annual General   time-permitting, prospective pur-    номере

                     Следующий выпуск                         •   а также много других       •   Ukraine kidnappers free     •   assessment notices next

                    газеты выйдет в                              тем, как например:              cryptocurrency analyst         week
           ФЕВРАЛЕ             On-Line версия Only               Is 2018 the year to buy a       after $1 million bitcoin    •   Mortgage ‘stress test’
                                                                                                                                brings winter real-estate
                                                                 home? 5 factors that could
                                                                                                 ransom paid
                                                                                                                                Bitcoin will trade under
                                                              •   affect housing prices      •   West Vancouver seeks        •   spike
                                                                                                 consultants to advise on
                                                                 Foreign ownership data
           Известный в Ванкувере риэлтор получил 75 тыс          released so far just the ‘tip   what can be built at ‘Cy-      $5,000
           ДОПОЛНИТЕЛЬНЫХ комиссионных от своего                 of the iceberg’                 press Village’              •   China puts US$15,000
           клиента (продавца) - по его мнению, он не          •   Court permits sale of West  •   What’s your home worth?       annual personal cap on
           нарушил закон...но у судьи мнение было совсем         End strata over objections      City sending out property      overseas withdrawals
           другое .. как события будут развиваться далее,
                                                                 of some owners

         “Живые” новости, дискуссии и                                         Печатная Версия
         обсуждение мнений происходят в нашей                                 выпускается и
         ГРУППЕ на фейсбуке - Добро Пожаловать -                              распространяется  один раз в        Если Вы хотите получать нашу газету
         будем рады вашему участию!                                                                               один раз в месяц отправьте запрос на
                                              :-)                             два месяца.
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