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The Fire Department is not able to clear alarms and allow residents back into the building until all residents have vacated.
Students who fail to leave immediately when the alarm sounds, attempt to hide and/or avoid vacating the building will incur a Code of Responsibility violation and a $50 citation. RAs and HCs review evacuation plans with residents during the first hall meeting and post fire plans on each floor. Students should acquaint themselves with emergency escape routes in each building.
False alarms and intentional fires present a serious danger to residents and firefighters. Students who commit the following violations will face severe penalties:
• Intentionally setting any fire
• Intentionally causing any false fire alarm
• Vandalizing or tampering with any fire alarm or fire protection equipment including sprinklers
• Violating requirements on electrical equipment.
Intentionally causing a false fire alarm is a misdemeanor in North Carolina. Probable sanctions include removal from college housing, suspension from the college, and criminal prosecution. State law provides penalties up to a $500 fine and/or six months imprisonment.
The college does not take responsibility for the loss, damage, or theft of any personal property. Students wishing to protect themselves from the possibility of such losses should cover their belongings with the appropriate insurance. Companies that carry car or homeowner's insurance typically offer renter's insurance (an HO-4 type policy). The parents' homeowner's policy frequently covers a student's personal property while at school. Students and their families should investigate these policies before arriving on campus.
Room-to-Room Solicitations
The college does not allow room-to-room solicitation in the residence halls. Students who encounter individuals selling any product, conducting polls, or advertising should immediately notify the student hall staff member, RLO and/or Campus Police. Often these individuals use their "pitch" as an excuse to determine which rooms have valuable property or they may even seek out unlocked and empty rooms while making sales. The College Union Director and the Director of Residence Life must approve solicitors of any kind. RLO will notify student hall staff of any canvassers who have received authorization to access the residence halls.
Students who have off-campus jobs may not pass out an employer's advertisements in the residence halls. Students who pass out flyers or coupons act in the capacity of a business employee, not as a current student. If an employer would like to advertise in the residence halls, he/she must contact RLO and the Director of The Knobloch Student Center.
Room Search Policy
College representatives have the right, but not the obligation, to enter student apartments under reasonable circumstances, including, but not limited to, the following:
1. Inspection: regular maintenance, work order repairs, and health and safety inspections conducted by Physical Plant, Building Services and/or RLO staff. Inspections shall be preceded, if possible, by 24-hour notice to the resident(s).
2. Search: entry into a residential room without notice or search warrant by Campus Police for the purpose of investigating suspected violations of state and federal law; full-time professional staff in Residence Life or the Dean of Students office for the purpose of investigating suspected violations of campus policy and/or state and

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