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federal law. With reasonable cause, professional staff in Residence Life or the Dean of Students office may search the room of any resident student. The search may include, but is not limited to, opening drawers and refrigerators, examining furnishings and personal effects, and searching an adjoining bath, kitchen, suite, or apartment room.
Emergencies: Campus Police may enter student housing without notice or search warrant to prevent danger to person, property, the building itself or the following:
• Incident to and following a lawful arrest
• For and in the pursuit of a fleeing dangerous criminal suspect
• Under urgent necessity (such as persistent loud screaming)
• Necessary to prevent loss of or destruction of an item to be seized
Parking and Traffic Regulations
Davidson College reserves the right to remove any vehicle that is illegally parked, non-registered or parked in such a way as to constitute a hazard, impede traffic, block the operation of emergency equipment or interfere with services.
All Parking Lots are numbered and color coded by signage at the entrance of each lot: WHITE-Students YELLOW-Employees RED-Visitors
Davidson College is not responsible for damages to, the loss of, or theft from towed vehicles.
Owners are required to pay all costs involved in the removing, impounding, and storing of such vehicles.
If you want to refuse a ticket you received, complete the Ticket Appeal Form found o the Public Safety web page.. Please print the form, fill it out and send thru campus mail to Public Safety.
If you think your vehicle has been towed:
You can contact the Campus Police Office. The towing service is:
Archer's Wrecker Service
433 South Main Street
Davidson, N.C. 28036
Important things to know:
1. If a state citation is received it will be processed into District Court for Disposition. *State citations are recorded on the individuals driving license record.
If a campus citation is received it will be processed through the Controller's Office.

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