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Domestic Violence Program: 704-332-9034
Victim Assistance & Rape Crisis: 704-332-9034
24- Hour Rape Crisis Hotline: 704-375-9900
Other Mecklenburg County Officers Domestic Violence Healthcare Project: 704-466-3999
The Shelter for Battered Women: 704-332-2513 (available 24 hours/day) Victim Assistance Court Services: 704-336-4126
Protective Order Information Line: 704-336-7666
Town of Davidson Police: 704-892-5131
Religious Life
Religious life at Davidson College is celebrated on the affirmation that we are all created in the image of God, brothers and sisters in the human family, whatever our creed, heritage or beliefs.
As a Presbyterian church-related institution of higher learning since its founding in 1837, Davidson stands in the particular strand of Christianity known as the “Reformed tradition.” As the college’s Statement of Purpose indicates, this tradition “recognizes God as the source of all truth, and believes that Jesus Christ is the revelation of that God, a God bound by no church or creed. The loyalty of the college thus extends beyond the Christian community to the whole of humanity and necessarily includes openness to and respect for the world’s various religious traditions.”
The policies and standards which shape the college’s religious life therefore seek to foster a community that values and nurtures the life of the spirit and that engenders freedom of inquiry, conscience and practice.
Policies for Personnel
The College Chaplain serves as pastor to the college community. As the administrator charged with oversight of the college’s religious life, the College Chaplain is the primary institutional liaison for all religious life activities on the campus. Individuals or groups seeking to engage in on-going ministries or religious fellowships at Davidson must consult with the College Chaplain regarding religious life policies and standards, and regarding procedures for registering their organization with the college prior to beginning activity on the campus.
Davidson College welcomes authorized representatives of diverse religious traditions to participate in and nurture religious life at the college. These professionals must be appointed officially in writing by their respective ecclesiastical or para- church agencies, must be accountable to those agencies for their work at Davidson College, and must register with the Office of the Chaplain prior to beginning their work on campus.
All registered religious life representatives shall affirm in writing their willingness to abide by the “Standards for Religious Groups and Campus Ministries at Davidson College.”

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