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7. While Davidson College recognizes that appropriate expressions of evangelism may be integral to a group’s religious convictions and activities, the following behaviors are examples of actions which are not acceptable: door to door or other organized campaigns within residence halls (where students rightly expect their privacy to be respected), whether by students or representatives; visual displays or organizational announcements in classroom space; literature or survey campaigns where individuals cannot easily or comfortably avoid being approached by those distributing the literature or surveys; intrusion through unwanted or unannounced visits, phone calls or mailings (including email); persistence in personal invitations of any kind to a group’s meetings or activities after the invitee has clearly indicated a desire not to participate in that group’s life or activities. This list is not exhaustive.
8. Religious life representatives shall follow all campus rules and regulations, including residence hall policies which prohibit entering such halls unless invited and escorted by a Davidson College student or staff member, and religious life policies which specify the purposes for which these representatives function on campus and the constituencies with which they may meet.
9. Religious groups and representatives shall not engage in actions which have an adverse impact on the academic or vocational pursuits or the emotional or physical well-being of students, or which by force or coercion (physical or psychological) cause students to be absent from campus or from activities which are a regular aspect of a liberal arts education (e.g., study abroad). Further definitions of harassment may be found in the Code of Responsibility
10. Religious groups shall clearly identify the name of their organization on all publicity, displays, or other organizational materials posted, distributed or erected on campus.
11. Religious life representatives shall clearly identify themselves as representing their particular ecclesiastical or para- church agency (and not the Office of the Chaplain or Davidson College) in all publicity or communications with students, parents, the press, or the general public. False or deceptive promotions or advertising concerning a religious group, its activities, or its representatives are prohibited.
12. Religious groups and representatives shall keep the Office of the Chaplain apprised of their activities, notifying that office of any changes in a group’s regular meeting time(s) and of any and all occasional activities sponsored by the group.
13. Infractions of these standards by student religious organizations may result in a referral to the Office of the Dean of Students for possible sanctions based on Code of Responsibility violations.
If religious groups or representatives engage in practices or behaviors which adversely affect an individual’s or the public welfare, health, or safety on the campus or which are clearly contrary to the fundamental purposes for which the college exists, the college has the right to intervene to stop such activity. The college reserves the right to rescind the privilege of any registered religious life representative to work on the Davidson College campus.
Open Social Event Management Policy
Davidson College recognizes that a vibrant, diverse social life is an important feature of campus life and encourages students to plan events within a framework that promotes safe, legal, and responsible fun. When planning an event that will involve none Davidson guests event sponsors are required to schedule a meeting with the Dean of Students (or designee) to review Davidson College’s policies and procedures which the host organization will follow. These regulations apply to all major campus wide open student events whether alcoholic beverages will be served or not. Events include, but are not limited to:
• Major Union Board events i.e. “Winter Fest”& “Spring Frolics”
• Events by any student organization with facilities on Patterson Court
• Open parties on Patterson Court

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