Page 7 - Church Flip
P. 7


     Receive Christian greetings,
     It is with privilege that I write this year’s Treasurer's Report.
     I present the statement of income and expenses for the period 1st Oct, 2020 to 30th Sept, 2021. The
     2020/2021 financial year has been challenging due to the impact of Covid-19. The team and I have worked
     hard to ensure that the costs have been managed diligently. Our income for the period totalled to KShs.

     760,600 while our expenses for the period amounted to KSHs. 737, 269. Tithes accounted for 59 % of the
     income followed by District Offering 18%, Fundraising 10%, Church school 7%, Thanksgiving 3%, Gift and
     other 2% and farm produce 1%. On Expenses Ministry Maintenance Fund (MMF) accounted for 32%,

     Caretaker 24%, Hospitality 21%, Security 16%, maintenance 3%, Electricity 2%, and donations 1%.
     I must Appreciate the church members for the Job well done and I hope that as we move to the new
     financial year 2021/2022, we well accomplish more and achieve greater heights. We will continue to operate
     our finances with integrity, accountability, and generosity in order to make the greatest impact possible for
     the Kingdom of God
 Protestant Reformation: Scripture alone, by grace alone,   Well, done Team!

 through faith alone, in Christ alone, and to God alone be
     Yours in Christ Service
     Jackline Nyambura Muiganu
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