Page 13 - Paige's Digitial Listing Presentation
P. 13

Social Influence
THE LANDSCAPE OF SOCIAL MEDIA IS EVER CHANGING. We have built a follow- ing on the top social media platforms of the moment, and our marketing department is constantly reviewing the newest social media platforms to ensure your home has the highest visibility.
“􏰀ocial 􏰁edia 􏰁arketing is the art o􏰂 tapping into the con􏰃ersations that happen on social networks 􏰂or marketing purposes. 􏰄􏰃ery single social network pro􏰃ides it􏰅s own tools especially designed for marketing purposes. This way, agents can induce their own messages into the social streams of people, therefore creating and reaching an audience 􏰂or their speci􏰂ic ser􏰃ices.”

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