Page 15 - Paige's Digitial Listing Presentation
P. 15

 􏰀ur 􏰁ouse 􏰂 􏰁ome 􏰃rogram is 􏰄etting 􏰅uyers􏰆 􏰇ttention􏰈
􏰉ast year we listed our home 􏰊or sale with another agent and spent 􏰋 months on the market with no luck. 􏰌e re-listed this year with 􏰍oastal 􏰃remier 􏰃roperties and within 􏰎 days we had 􏰂 o􏰊􏰊ers􏰈 􏰏eed 􏰐 say more􏰑􏰈 􏰍oastal 􏰃remier 􏰃ropertires helped get our home ready to sell with their 􏰁ouse 􏰂 􏰁ome program. 􏰒hey 􏰓rought in the necessary contractors and helped stage the home to look 􏰔ust per􏰊ect. 􏰐n 􏰊act it looked so good􏰕 we almost didn􏰆t want to sell it􏰕”
- 􏰖atis􏰊ied 􏰍lients

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