Page 2 - Inglewood USD Benefits Guide 2019 - Actives Final
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Welcome to Inglewood USD!

         This guide provides a summary of your benefit options and is designed to help you make choices and enroll for coverage. If you
         would like more information about any of the benefits described here, please contact the Benefits Department at (310) 419-2760.


            Important Information                          2        Flexible Spending Accounts                    12
            Enrollment Information                         3        Commuter Reimbursement Account (CRA)          13

            Online Enrollment                              4        Life/AD&D                                     14
            Medical Insurance                              5        Disability                                    15
            Value Added Programs                           8        Voluntary Benefits                            16

            Dental Insurance                              10        Resources and Contacts                        17
            Vision Insurance                              11        Employee Contributions                        18


         ACA                                                           Annual Notices

         The Affordable Care Act (ACA) requires applicable large       Inglewood USD’s plans are partially arranged by
         employers to make affordable coverage available to their      Inglewood USD and governed by its plan rules and
         employees or risk paying a penalty. It is important that you   documents. Various state and federal laws require that
         understand your options for health insurance coverage. You may   employers provide disclosure and annual notices to
         consider these options below:                                 their plan participants.
         •   Enroll in a medical plan offered by Inglewood USD or        The following is a list of the annual notices:
            another group plan                                         •   Medicare Part D Notice of Creditable Coverage
         •   Purchase coverage through a health insurance marketplace   •   Women's Health and Cancer Rights Act (WHCRA)
         •   Enroll in coverage through a government-sponsored         •   Newborns’ and Mothers’ Health Protection Act
            program (if eligible)                                      •
                                                                          Special Enrollment Rights
         Because Inglewood USD’s medical plans are considered          •   Medicaid & Children’s Health Insurance Program
         affordable and meet minimum value under the Affordable Care   •   HIPAA Notice of Privacy Practices
         Act, you will not generally see lower premiums or out-of-pocket   •   Summary of Benefits and Coverage (SBC)
         costs through the marketplace. In addition, employer          Inglewood USD distributes annual notices to new-hires,
         contributions to your medical benefits will be lost if you choose   and each year during open enrollment. You may also
         to purchase coverage through the marketplace, and your portion   request a copy by contacting Employee Benefits
         of medical premiums will no longer be paid via payroll        Specialist, Audrey Velasco, at (310) 419-2760 or
         deductions on a pre-tax basis.                                download a copy from the Online Employee Benefits
                                                                       Portal (PlanSource).

                   For More Information
                   Go to

         Paying For Your Coverage

         The Medical (Anthem Blue Cross HMOs only), Dental, Vision, and Basic Life and AD&D benefits are provided at no cost to eligible
         full-time employees and are funded entirely by Inglewood USD. You and the company share in the cost of the Medical (Kaiser
         Permanente and Anthem Blue Cross PPOs only) benefits you elect. Any Voluntary Life and AD&D, Accident, Critical Illness, Short
         Term Disability, or Universal Life with Long Term Care you elect will be paid by you at discounted group rates. Your Medical,
         Dental, and Vision contributions are deducted from your salary before taxes are withheld, which saves you tax dollars. Paying for
         benefits before‐tax means that your share of the costs are deducted before taxes are determined, resulting in more take‐home
         pay for you. As a result, the IRS requires that your elections remain in effect for the entire year. You cannot drop or change
         coverage unless you experience a qualifying event.

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