Page 17 - HM Benefits Guide 2019 National
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Employee Assistance Program
MetLife | Employee Assistance Program
You will be auto-enrolled in this plan at NO COST to you
The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) offers confidential guidance and resources for you or any
immediate household family member. Think of the EAP as your best friend who you call whenever you
need help – only this best friend is an expert in their field who can provide you with clear guidance!
You and your household members can receive:
Up to 5 face-to-face, phone, Online programs that offer Access to quick and
or video consultations with something different than confidential help from legal and
a licensed counselor per traditional counseling financial experts
household member, per issue,
per calendar year
Accessing the EAP
• Website: Go to (User Name: metlifeeap |
Password: eap)
• Phone: Call (888) 319-7819 to be connected to an EAP counselor
• Mobile App: Search for “LifeWorks EAP” at the iTunes App Store or the
Google Play Store (Username: metlifeeap | password: eap)
Travel Assistance
MetLife | Travel Assistance
You will be auto-enrolled in this plan at NO COST to you
This plan offers medical, travel, and concierge services 24/7/365 when you are traveling internationally or
domestically, at least 100 miles away from home for work or pleasure. You’ll receive pre-trip assistance,
medical assistance, identity theft solutions, and emergency travel support services.
Accessing Travel Assistance
• Website: Go to (Login: axa | Password:
• Phone: Call (800) 454-3679 or (312) 935-3783 (call collect)
• Mobile App: Search for “webcorp” at the at the iTunes App Store or the
Google Play Store (Login: axa | password: travelassist)
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