Page 2 - QSC Journey FlipBook 2019 FINAL
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Bass’ Journey #1
Bass is currently enrolled in the HMO FULL plan.
He wants to know if there is a plan that offers
flexibility and saves him money.
(HMO FULL plan benefits are changing this year)
Bass originally enrolled in the HMO FULL plan because he wasn’t sure which one to pick
for medical. This year he is looking for ways to save money and have the flexibility to go
directly to his preferred medical provider rather than going to a Primary Care Physician
first for a referral.
• Must select primary care • Access care from any provider
physician and stay in assigned • Ability to shop for lowest cost
medical group service
• Costs for each benefit is a set • Employee contribution is 43%
copay less per paycheck than HMO Full
• Employee contribution is 75% • QSC gives Bass $45 per paycheck
more per paycheck than HSA to help offset the deductible cost
PPO plan • Money contributed to Bass’ HSA
account is his to keep
• $1,500 annual deductible
Bass realizes he can save up to 43% annually in his paycheck by moving to the HSA PPO
plan option. In addition to his paycheck savings, QSC will fund $45 per pay period to his
employee Health Savings Account. Over a course of 12 months, this equates up to
$1,170. He saves money and will have flexibility on his provider choices. Additionally,
the HSA Advance feature to his new Health Savings Account will provide peace of
mind that his HSA account has money to cover immediate health care expenses as
well as for future expenses.
NOTE: Costs illustrated assume discounted rates
Questions: Please reach out to Health Advocate at (866) 799-2731.