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ABOUT RAZER                                           BENEFITS

          Evolving forms of play need evolving forms of software   WHO MAY ENROLL
          and hardware. That’s where we come in. We continually   Regular, full-time employees working at least 30 hours
          stay ahead of the curve by designing innovative top-of-  per week, and their eligible dependents may participate
          the-line products and services–allowing gamers to fully   in Razer’s benefits program. Eligible dependents include:
          experience their entertainment. And as all entertainment   •  Legally married spouse
          converges, gaming will soon become an integral part of   •  Domestic partner (same sex and opposite sex)
          all our lives.                                        •  Children under age 26, regardless of student or marital
                                                                    status, and/or any dependent child who is incapable
          With fifteen offices and three R&D labs worldwide, be     of self-support due to a disability.
          part of a global team that transcends time zones and
          geographical boundaries. You get to enjoy working in an   WHEN TO ENROLL
          environment that values transparency and collaborative   Eligible full-time employees may enroll at the following
          effort. Most importantly, both work and play are equally   times:
          important to us.
                                                                •  As a new hire, on the first day of the month following
                                                                    their date of hire or on the hire date if the day falls on
                         OUR MISSION                                the first of the month

                   FOR GAMERS. BY GAMERS.                       •  Each year, during open enrollment
                                                                •  Within 30 days of a qualifying event as defined by
                                                                    the IRS
                      OUR CORE VALUES

                        BE PHENOMENAL                            PAID TIME OFF
                     PLAY HARD. PLAY FAIR.                       Vacation               10 Days (First 5 Years)
                           TEAM RAZER                            Sick Days                     9 Days
                                                                 Holidays                      11 Days
                                                                 Sabbatical             2 Weeks Every 5 Years
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