Page 9 - Volcom Benefit Summary 2017 Version 2
P. 9


                                                   CIGNA                                 CIGNA
         Plan Features                            DHMO*                                  DPPO
         Network                                 DHMO Network               DPPO Network            Non-Network
         Calendar Year Maximum Benefit               None                                  $1,500
         Annual Deductible
           Individual                                  $0                        $50                    $75
           Family                                      $0                       $150                   $225
         Office Visit Copay                            $2                        N/A                    N/A
         Preventive Services (Plan Pays)          Copays Apply                  100%                100% UCR
           Deductible Waived                          N/A                        Yes                    Yes
         Basic Services (Plan Pays)               Copays Apply                  90%                  80% UCR
         Oral Surgery (Plan Pays)                 Copays Apply                  90%                  80% UCR
         Major Services (Plan Pays)               Copays Apply                  60%                  50% UCR
           Children                               $1,100 Copay                50% with $1,500 Lifetime Maximum
           Adults                                 $1,600 Copay                50% with $1,500 Lifetime Maximum
        *Availability of this plan depends on the zip code you reside in. Please check ADP if you are eligible for the DHMO Dental Plan.

            H            FINDING A DENTAL PROVIDER:
                             DHMO: Go to or call (800) 244-6224 to find a provider near you. Refer to the
                             “Cigna Dental Care HMO” dental plan when prompted.
                             DPPO: Go to or call (800) 244-6224 to find a provider near you. Refer to the
                             “Cigna Dental PPO or EPO” dental plan when prompted.


                                                                   UNITED HEALTHCARE
         Plan Features                                                         Vision
         Network                                               Network                        Non-Network
         Deductible                                                     $10 Exam / $25 Materials
         Examination (Every 12 Months)                          100%                           $40 Benefit
         Lenses (Every 12 Months)
           Single Vision                                        100%                           $40 Benefit
           Bifocal                                              100%                           $60 Benefit
           Trifocal                                             100%                           $80 Benefit
         Frames (Every 24 Months)                            $130 Benefit                      $45 Benefit
         Contact Lenses (Every 12 Months)
         (in lieu of frames and lenses)
           Cosmetic / Elective                               $125 Benefit                     $125 Benefit
           Visually Necessary                                   100%                          $210 Benefit

            H             FINDING A VISION PROVIDER:

                          Go to or call (800) 638-3120 to find a provider near you.

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