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HR360 Instructions
Here at Burnham Benefits, we are constantly searching for value-added services to
assist our clients in running their business and remain compliant. To that end, we have
partnered with HR360 to deliver a state-of-the-art human resource libraryHR360,
unlimited training courses Training360 and an HR Hotline to meet your needs.
1. HR360
Your blueprint and library when navigating the complex world of human r
2. Training360
Your resource for high quality, attorney-developed professional training videos
and courses for employees.
3. HR Hotline
A team of HR experts standing by to answer your questions and provide advice.
To access HR360, sign in to your account at:
Your username and password are:
Username: email address
Password: Benefits1
HR360 Components (3 Sections)
HR 360
HR intelligence at your fingertips. We’re committed to helping you stay compliant. The
HR Library is your online source for must-have HR tools, forms and guidance. It can
provide you with expert guidance on topics like COBRA, health care reform and human
In many ways, HR360 acts as an 'online HR department', providing your company with
the most current, attorney-reviewed federal and state employment laws as well as a
complete range of downloadable forms, posters, interactive HR tools and a lawyer-
reviewed sample employee handbook.
Your online HR library includes:
• Interactive guides that provide step-by-step guidance on COBRA, performance reviews,
hiring, and terminating employees
• Interactive tools including a description builder and salary benchmarking tool
• Hundreds of downloadable forms, policies and posters
• State 'mini COBRA' information as well as a range of additional employment laws per
For a quick video tour of what HR360 can provide you, watch the tour