Page 21 - QSC Benefits Guide 7-18 SLO
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              Tobacco Cessation                  Stress Management                   Weight Management

         QSC cares about our employees’      QSC employees are eligible to utilize   Let QSC help you reach your goal
         health and wants to help those to quit   Cigna’s Stress Management program   of maintaining a healthy weight – all
         smoking/utilizing any form of tobacco   to help lower your stress levels and   without the fad diets.
         by offering a FREE Tobacco Cessation   raise your happiness levels.
         Program through Cigna. Employees                                        As a QSC employee, you have access
         who enroll/participate in the Cigna Quit  Learn what causes you stress in your   to Cigna’s Weight Management
         Today® program, that is both available   life and develop a personal stress   program. Create a personal healthy –
         telephonically and online, are eligible   management plan.  And, get the   living plan that will help you build your
         for the non-tobacco incentive medical   support you need to help you cope   confidence, be more active and eat
         premium rate. Create a personal quit   with stressful situations – both on and   healthier.  And, you’ll get the support
         plan and get the support you need   off the job.                        you need to stick with it.
         to kick the habit for good. You’ll even
         get free over-the-counter nicotine   To enroll in the program, or if you have  To enroll in the program, or if you have
         replacement therapy (patch or gum).  questions, call (866) 417-7848. Or   questions, call (866) 417-7848. Or
                                             enroll online by visiting,   enroll online by visiting,
         To enroll in the program, or if you have   select “My Health” tab, then “Programs  select “My Health” tab, then “Programs
         questions, call (866) 417-7848. Or   and Resources,” then select “Health   and Resources,” then select “Health
         enroll online by visiting,   Assistance” from the drop-down   Assistance” from the drop-down
         select “My Health” tab, then “Programs   menu.                          menu.
         and Resources,” then select “Health
         Assistance” from the drop-down menu.

                   Biometric Incentive Program                                 Lunch & Learns

          Encourages healthy living and provides discount on   To educate, inform and enhance employee’s overall
          medical premiums. A biometric screening is a brief health   wellness, we provide periodic wellness-related Lunch &
          exam that collects basic body measurements and a small   Learns.
          blood sample.

                       FOR MORE INFORMATION
                       Contact the Human Resources Department.

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