Page 13 - Inglewood USD Benefits Guide 2019 - ACTIVES_FINAL
P. 13



         Anthem Blue Cross    Employees working 7-8   Employees working less   Employees working less   Employees working less
         Classic PPO           hours per day     than 7 hours/More than 6  than 6 Hours/More than 5  than 5 hours/More than 4
         500/30/20                                    hours per day          hours per day         hours per day
                           Retiree Pays   IUSD Pays   Retiree Pays   IUSD Pays   Retiree Pays   IUSD Pays   Retiree Pays   IUSD Pays

         Retiree Only      $1,278.45   $537.01    $1,278.45   $537.01   $1,479.83    $335.63   $1,546.96   $268.51
         Retiree + 1       $2,684.72   $1,124.44   $2,965.83   $843.33   $3,106.39   $702.78   $3,246.94   $562.22
         Retiree + Family   $3,835.32   $1,605.05   $4,236.58   $1,203.79   $4,437.21   $1,003.16   $4,637.85   $802.53

         Anthem Blue Cross    Employees working 7-8   Employees working less   Employees working less   Employees working less
         Solutions PPO         hours per day     than 7 hours/More than 6  than 6 Hours/More than 5  than 5 hours/More than 4
         2000/20/20                                   hours per day          hours per day         hours per day
                           Retiree Pays   IUSD Pays   Retiree Pays   IUSD Pays   Retiree Pays   IUSD Pays   Retiree Pays   IUSD Pays
         Retiree Only       $921.82    $537.01    $921.82     $537.01   $1,123.20    $335.63   $1,190.33   $268.51
         Retiree + 1       $1,935.80   $1,124.44   $2,216.91   $843.33   $2,357.47   $702.78   $2,498.02   $562.22
         Retiree + Family   $2,765.44   $1,605.05   $3,166.70   $1,203.79   $3,367.33   $1,003.16   $3,567.97   $802.53
         Dental Plan – 2019 Monthly Premiums

         Delta Dental PPO   Employees working 7-8   Employees working less   Employees working less   Employees working less
                               hours per day     than 7 hours/More than 6  than 6 Hours/More than 5  than 5 hours/More than 4
                                                      hours per day          hours per day         hours per day
                           Retiree Pays   IUSD Pays   Retiree Pays   IUSD Pays   Retiree Pays   IUSD Pays   Retiree Pays   IUSD Pays

         Retiree Only       $58.40      $0.00      $58.40      $0.00      $58.40      $0.00     $58.40      $0.00
         Retiree + 1        $105.78     $0.00     $105.78      $0.00     $105.78      $0.00     $105.78     $0.00
         Retiree + Family   $152.06     $0.00     $152.06      $0.00     $152.06      $0.00     $152.06     $0.00
         Vision Plan – 2019 Monthly Premiums
         VSP Vision PPO    Employees working 7-8   Employees working less   Employees working less   Employees working less
                               hours per day     than 7 hours/More than 6  than 6 Hours/More than 5  than 5 hours/More than 4
                                                      hours per day          hours per day         hours per day
                           Retiree Pays   IUSD Pays   Retiree Pays   IUSD Pays   Retiree Pays   IUSD Pays   Retiree Pays   IUSD Pays
         Retiree Only       $16.40      $0.00      $16.40      $0.00      $16.40      $0.00     $16.40      $0.00
         Retiree + 1        $30.47      $0.00      $30.47      $0.00      $30.47      $0.00     $30.47      $0.00
         Retiree + Family   $46.92      $0.00      $46.92      $0.00      $46.92      $0.00     $46.92      $0.00
         ¹Early retirees shall make payments to Inglewood USD for any premium amounts exceeding the District Contribution by the first of each month

         *Unit members who retired prior to January 1, 2016, shall be eligible for a District annual contribution toward District medical insurance equal to active employees
         in accordance with Section 13.1.1 and subject to the conditions listed in Section 13.2.
         **Eligible full time unit members who retire after January 1, 2016, shall be eligible for a District contribution for employee only medical coverage equal to active
         employees in accordance with section 13.2 and subject to the conditions listed in Section 13.2.
         ***No Dependent Coverage for Retirements on or after 1/1/16

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