Page 4 - TCM EE Guide 2019 v2 FINAL
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Online Enrollment
With the Paycom Online Enrollment System, you and your family can access your benefits
information whenever you want, from home or any place where you have internet access.
Use Paycom to view plan details, coverage amounts and costs.
To Enroll or Make Changes to Your Benefits
1) Navigate to and select Login > Employee
2) Under My Benefits select 2019 Benefit Enrollment
3) Select Start Enrollment. Prior to starting the enrollment process you’ll be prompted to
enter updates to your personal information and your dependent(s) information. Enter
the necessary information and then click Next to continue through these sections.
4) From here, you will be guided through the enrollment process for each of your available
benefit plans. Each benefit screen will have two check boxes: one to enroll and one to
decline. You can review the details of each plan within the Plan Description section.
Forms and/or links will be located in the Plan Information drop down option.
Upon review and completion of your enrollment select the Sign and Submit button and
print a copy of the confirmation for your files.
With Paycom, you’ll find documents posted such as the Summary of Benefits and Coverage (SBC), annual
notices, carrier benefit summaries, evidence of coverage booklets, claim forms, and much more. These
documents include detailed information about the Teacher Created Materials benefit plans and can help
you plan for upcoming services. From work or home, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, you and your eligible
dependents may access Paycom.
4 Employee Benefits