Page 11 - HM Benefits Guide 2019 CA
P. 11

Medical Plans

                Anthem Blue Cross |            Anthem Blue Cross |            Kaiser Permanente |
                HMO Medical Plan               PPO Medical Plans              HMO Medical Plan
                Unless you elect otherwise,    We offer two PPO               Kaiser Permanente integrates
                we’ll auto-enroll you in this plan   medical options          all elements of healthcare such
                at NO COST to you*             The PPO plans allow you        as physicians, medical centers,
                This plan requires you         to choose any doctor, even     pharmacy, and administration all
                to select a primary care       doctors that aren’t in the     in one. If you join this plan, all
                physician (PCP) who’s in       network, and you may refer     your services will be performed
                Anthem’s HMO network. Your     yourself to specialists. If    at a Kaiser facility, unless it’s an
                PCP will take care of most of   you see a doctor who is in-   emergency. You’ll be asked to
                your healthcare needs. Before   network, a greater percentage   choose a primary doctor, but you
                you can see a specialist you’ll   of the cost will be paid by   can change your doctor at any
                need to get a referral from    Anthem. If you see a non-      time, for any reason. In addition,
                your PCP. The plan will pay for   network doctor, you may be   Kaiser offers online tools that
                benefits only if you use the   responsible for the difference   allow you to email your doctor’s
                doctors, clinics, and hospitals   between what the insurance   office, make appointments, refill
                that belong to the medical     pays and the doctor’s actual   prescriptions, and more.
                group that you are enrolled    charges, and you may be
                in, except in the case of an   responsible for filing claims.

                *You must actively opt-out in PlanSource if you wish to decline medical benefits.

                                 Finding a Provider
                                 Anthem Blue Cross: Go to
                                 •   HMO Network: Blue Cross HMO (CACare) – Large Group
                                 •   PPO (Low) / (High) Network: Blue Cross PPO (Prudent Buyer) – Large Group
                                 Kaiser Permanente: Go to

               Telemedicine Services
               When you don’t feel well, or your child is sick,
               the last thing you want to do is leave the
               comfort of home to sit in a waiting room. Now
               you don’t have to. You can see and talk to a
               doctor from your mobile device or computer                     Educational Video
               without an appointment. Most visits take                    Health Insurance Terms
               about 10-15 minutes and doctors can write a
               prescription, if needed, that you can pick up
               at your local pharmacy. This service is part of
               your health benefits offered through Anthem
               Blue Cross and Kaiser Permanente. See page
               28 for contact information.

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