Page 8 - HM Benefits Guide 2019 National
P. 8

Enrollment Information

               Who May Enroll

               You (if you are a full-time employee working at least 30 hours per
               week) and your eligible dependents:
               •   Legally married spouse
               •   Registered domestic partner
               •   Children under the age of 26, regardless of student or marital

               When You May Enroll
               Enrollment is only available at these specific times:                      Plan Year:
               •   As a new hire, you’re eligible to join our benefits program on your    January 1 -
                   first day of employment - you have 30 days from your start date to    December 31
                   make your selections
               •   Each year, during open enrollment
               •   Within 30 days of a qualifying event (see Changes To Enrollment)
               •   You may enroll in Voluntary Life/AD&D insurance at any time,
                   subject to proof of good health and carrier approval

               How You Enroll

               PlanSource makes it easy to enroll. Login information is located on page 7 of this document.

               Qualifying Events
               Our benefit plans are effective January 1st through December 31st. There’s an annual open enrollment
               period each year, where you can elect new benefits for the following January 1st effective date. After
               you make your benefit elections, you may not change them throughout the year unless you experience a
               “qualifying event.” Examples of qualifying events include:
               •   Marriage, divorce, legal separation or annulment
               •   Birth or adoption of a child
               •   A qualified medical child support order
               •   Death of a spouse or child
               •   A change in your dependent’s eligibility status
               •   Loss of coverage from another health plan
               •   Change in your residence or workplace (if your benefit options change)
               •   Loss of coverage through Medicaid or Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP)
               •   Becoming eligible for a state’s premium assistance program under Medicaid or CHIP

                  Coverage for a new dependent is not automatic. If you experience a qualifying event, you have 30
                  days to update your coverage. You may log in to PlanSource at any time to update your dependent
                  information. PlanSource login instructions are found on page 7. If you don’t update your coverage
                  within the 30-day window, you’ll have to wait until our next open enrollment to make changes.

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