Page 6 - open_enrollment_benefits_book_NA_2018_v1
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                                EN ROL LMENT INF O

                                              Getting Started

                                Take a walk through the who, when, and how of choosing

                                and changing your benefits. Plus, see how paying for your

                                coverage gets divvied up between you and Riot.

                                THE TO-DO LIST

                                      Go to

                                      Confirm your personal info

                                      If you have an HSA or FSA, you MUST log into

                                      Benetrax to re-enroll.

                                      Add or remove dependents (did you get married,

                                      divorced, or have a baby in the past year?)

                                      Change, add, or remove plans (if needed)

                                      Verify that your basic life insurance beneficiaries

                                      are up-to-date

                                      Click Review and Finalize to confirm

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