Page 27 - Lyon Benefits Guide 01-18 CA - FINAL
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          The Corporate Discount Programs are just one of the many benefits of working at Lyon. You and your family can receive various
          discounts on goods, services and recreation.

                     BENEFIT HUB                        FUN EXPRESS                      LYONLIFE PERKS
                                                   (SOUTHERN CA ONLY)
           BenefitHub includes exclusive discounts   Fun Express is California’s largest provider  With LyonLife Perks, enjoy corporate
           from many of the most desired brands   of discount entertainment programs,   discounted pricing on cell phones, travel,
           in the world. Enjoy discounts and cash   with discount tickets to 50+ Southern   restaurants and other items nationwide.
           back on hundreds of brands you already   California attractions including, Universal   Every time you purchase using LyonLife
           love, in categories such as travel, event   Studios, Knott’s Berry Farm, SeaWorld,   Perks, you will receive WOW points to
           tickets, electronics, insurance, restaurants,   Legoland, Dinner Shows, Movie Theatres,  earn free items.
           health & wellness, apparel, auto, local   Water Parks and much more!
           deals, education, beauty & spa, sports, and
            outdoor activities.

                        FOR MORE INFORMATION
                        •   Benefit Hub: Go to
                        •   Fun Express: Go to Lyon Company Code: 15-53399.
                        •   LyonLife Perks: Go to to add an account for yourself and your family.
                            Lyon Company Code: lyon146.

                               THE BURNHAM ADVOCATE HELP-LINE:
                               (800) 391-6812

                               The Burnham Advocate toll-free customer service help-line can provide assistance with insurance
                               related issues when you are unable to resolve them directly with the insurance carriers listed above.
                               With the Burnham Advocate help-line, you will receive fast, skilled assistance with Medical, Dental and
                               Vision provider issues, referral assistance, and claims management. For more complicated questions or
                               claims issues, the Burnham claims specialist works as your insurance advocate, researching and resolving
                               problems quickly and effectively. If further action is required, the Burnham Advocate will provide regular
                               updates until the issues are resolved!

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