Page 17 - Moonwell Studios Benefit Guide
P. 17

Flexible Spending


         Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs) are special tax-advantaged
         accounts used to pay for eligible out-of-pocket health care
         and dependent care expenses. If elected, your account(s) will          Important FSA Rules
         be funded with tax-free dollars using convenient payroll      Because FSAs can give you a significant tax
         deductions. Only expenses for services incurred during the    advantage, they must be administered
         plan year are eligible for reimbursement from your accounts.   according to specific IRS rules:
         If you are using your debit card, you must save your receipts,
         just in case Health Equity needs a copy for verification. Also,   Health Care FSA
         all receipts should be itemized to reflect what product or    The Healthcare FSA includes a 2.5 month
         service was purchased. Credit card receipts are not sufficient   grace period after the plan year to incur
         per IRS guidelines.                                           claims. After the grace period, unused funds
                                                                       will be forfeited. Use it or lose it.
         Health Care FSA
         This plan is used to pay for expenses not covered under your   Important Note for HSA Medical
         health plans, such as deductibles, coinsurance, copays and    Participants:
         expenses that exceed plan limits. Employees may defer up to   If you enroll in the HSA Medical Plan and
         $2,750 pre-tax per year. Eligible expenses include:           contribute to your HSA account, you may only
                                                                       participate in the Health Care FSA to cover
                                                                       out-of-pocket Dental and Vision expenses
                                                                       through the Limited Purpose Plan.

                                                                       Dependent Care FSA
          Coinsurance,   Medical and     Dental       Eye Exams,       Unused funds will NOT be returned to you or
          Copays and    Prescriptions      and      Eyeglasses and     carried over to the following year. You must
          Deductibles                  Orthodontia     Lasik Eye       file claims by December 31st of each plan
                                                       Surgery         year.

         Go to to shop for FSA-eligible products,                       Tip!
         and for a list of eligible expenses.                          If you are unable to estimate your health care

                                                                       and dependent care expenses accurately, it is
         Dependent Care FSA                                            better to be conservative and underestimate
         This plan is used to pay for eligible expenses you incur for   rather than overestimate your expenses.
         child care, or for the care of a disabled dependent, while you
         work. Employees may defer up to $5,000 pre-tax per year.
         Eligible expenses include:

                                                                                  Educational Video
           Licensed nursery schools,     Adult daycare facilities               Flexible Spending Accounts
          qualified childcare centers,                          
             after school programs,
           summer camps (under age
                13), preschool

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