Page 18 - PFE Group EE Guide 2019-2020
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You may purchase Supplemental Benefits from Cigna including Voluntary Accident, Voluntary Critical Illness, and GAP Insurance.
Your premiums are paid through payroll deductions on a after-tax basis. Supplemental policies offer direct-to-the-policyholder cash
payouts to help cover what other insurance doesn’t. Please contact your HR Representative for benefit details and rates.
Accident insurance will pay you or a covered family member a benefit to help cover your out-of-pocket medical costs in case of an
accident. For covered accidental injuries, fixed benefits are paid directly to you, regardless of any other coverage. Benefits are paid
according to a fixed schedule that includes benefits for initial/emergency care, hospitalization, fractures, dislocations, follow-up care,
major diagnostic exams, physical therapy, and more. In addition, you are eligible for a $50 wellness reimbursement for obtaining
any one wellness screening from a list of covered tests. This benefit is available for you, your spouse, and your dependent children.
Critical Illness insurance can help you protect yourself and your family from the unexpected cost of fighting a life-threatening
illness. You’ll receive a lump-sum cash payment upon diagnosis of a covered condition such as cancer, heart attack, stroke, renal
(kidney) failure, major organ failure, paralysis, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Lou Gehrig’s disease), and blindness. In addition, you
are eligible for a $50 wellness reimbursement for obtaining any one wellness screening from a list of covered tests. This benefit is
available for you, your spouse, and your dependent children. Several benefit options are available so you may select the level of
coverage that is best for you.
If you are in your initial eligibility period, guarantee issue is available to you in amounts specified in the contract. If you are no longer
in your initial eligibility period, you may enroll in Voluntary Critical Illness as long as you provide proof of good health. To provide
proof of good health, you will be asked to complete a health questionnaire and are subject to insurance carrier approval. Cigna
may approve or decline coverage based on a review of your health history.
The Hospital Care plan can help you and your family with the out-of-pocket costs associated with a hospital stay. This plan pays
benefits for hospitalizations resulting from a covered injury or illness. You can use the money however you like - to help pay for
expenses related to child care, travel, or other out-of-pocket expenses. Coverage continues after the first hospitalization to help you
have protection for future hospital stays. You can choose the protection that works best for yourself and your family. Your monthly
cost will depend on the level of coverage you choose.
98point6 is convenient and immediate diagnosis and treatment via private in-app messaging with a 98point6 physician. This
technology alternative can help you avoid patient wait times and reduce costs. Connect with carefully selected U.S. based board-
certified physicians who can diagnose, treat and follow up with employees and their families through private and secure messaging
accessible through your mobile device. More information is available at
CorePower Yoga is located across the U.S. and offers PFE Group employees exclusive partner discounts, including 20% off unlimited
yoga and 10 class packs. To sign up or learn more, call (844) 800-YOGA or visit
MyYogaWorks’ online site and mobile app offers 1,200+ premium classes to practice yoga at your own convenience and pace.
You can utilize 3 free months of MyYogaWorks by using the promo code “UNITEDCAPITAL” on
18 PFE GROUP 2019-2020