Page 4 - Research Affiliates EE Guide 1-20
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         Medical Insurance

         Cigna | PPO Medical Plan
         The Cigna Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) plan allows you to direct your own care. If you receive care from a physician who
         is a member of the network, a greater percentage of the entire cost will be paid by the insurance plan, however, you are not
         limited  to  the  physicians  within  the  network  and  you  may  self-refer  to  specialists.  If  you  obtain  services  using  a  non‐network
         provider, please note that you will be responsible for the difference between the covered amount and the actual charges, and you
         may be responsible for filing claims.

         Cigna | HSA Medical Plan
         With the HSA plan through Cigna, you can pay for qualified healthcare expenses now and grow your savings for future healthcare
         needs. This plan combines a High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP) with a special, tax-qualified savings account (HSA). Each month,
         Research Affiliates will make contributions toward your HSA account. In addition to the company contributions, you can contribute
         tax-free money to your HSA up to IRS maximums. The money in your account is yours to pay for current healthcare expenses - or
         you can save toward future healthcare expenses. Similar to the PPO plan, you have the freedom to choose your doctor without the
         requirement of selecting a PCP and you may self-refer to specialists. You may use a network provider whose negotiated rates
         provide richer levels of benefits with claim forms filed by the providers. You may also obtain services using a non-network provider;
         however,  you  will  be  responsible  for  the  difference  between  the  covered  amount  and  the  actual  charges  and  you  may  be
         responsible for filing claims. For additional information on how the HSA plan works, please see page 8 of this guide.

                         Finding a Medical Provider
                         Go to or if not enrolled, and click on “Find a Doctor” at the top of the
                         page. Click on  “Plans offered through your employer or school”.  Enter the geographic location you want to
                         search  and when selecting the plan, refer to the “Open Access Plus, OA Plus, Choice Fund OA Plus” network
                         option. (The network that is used for both plans is the Open Access Plus Network). Choose what you’re looking
                         for: doctors or places to receive medical care.  Enter a name, specialty or other search word. Click “Search” to
                         see your results or call (866) 494-2111 for additional assistance.

                         Helpful  Hint:    If you are currently enrolled in the Cigna medical plan, you should register as a member in
                for immediate results specific to the plan you are enrolled  under.

         Cigna Telehealth
         Cigna provides access to telehealth services as part of your medical plan through AmWell and MDLIVE. With Telehealth services,
         you  have  access  to  board-certified  doctors  via  secure  video  chat  or  phone,  without  leaving  your  home  or  office.  AmWell  and
         MDLive are both quality national telehealth providers, so you can choose your care confidently.
                         To Get Started
                         •   AmWell: Go to or call (855) 667-9722.
                         •   MDLIVE: Go to or call (888) 726-3171

         Cigna One Guide
         Get exclusive, personalized support in the palm of your hand. Your Cigna mobile app just got an upgrade, thanks to the Cigna One
         Guide  Service.  Fully  integrated  search  tools,  claims  dashboard,  custom  health  team,  proactive  messages  and  digital  ID  cards.
         Download  and  log  into  the  myCigna  app  today.    In addition to the click-to-chat feature, personal guides are also available by
         phone (866) 494-2111.

         Summary of Benefits and Coverage (SBC)
         Health insurance issuers and group health plans are required to provide you with an easy-to-understand summary about your
         health plan’s benefits and coverage, referred to as a Summary of Benefits and Coverage (SBC). This guide is designed to help you
         understand the medical plan options offered to you by Research Affiliates. Please refer to the SBC and carrier contracts provided
         by Cigna for additional plan details.

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