Page 6 - Volcom Benefit Summary 2017 National Version 1
P. 6


                                                     CIGNA                                   CIGNA
         Plan Features                             HSA PPO                               PPO Buy-Up
         Network                           PPO Network        Non-Network         PPO Network        Non-Network
         Lifetime Maximum                             Unlimited                               Unlimited
         Annual Deductible
           Individual                         $1,500             $3,500               $750              $1,500
           Family (Ind Protection)        $3,000 ($2,600)    $7,000 ($3,500)      $1,500 ($750)     $3,000 ($1,500)
         Coinsurance (You Pay)                 10%                30%                 20%                40%
         Physician Office Visit                                                    Ded Waived
           PCP                              Ded, 10%           Ded, 30%             $35 Copay          Ded, 40%
           Specialist                       Ded, 10%           Ded, 30%             $35 Copay          Ded, 40%
         Out-of-Pocket Maximum
           Individual                         $2,600             $4,500              $2,500             $5,000
           Family                             $5,000             $9,000              $5,000             $10,000
           Deductible Included                 Yes                Yes                  Yes                Yes
           Inpatient                        Ded, 10%           Ded, 30%             Ded, 20%           Ded, 40%
           Outpatient Surgery               Ded, 10%           Ded, 30%             Ded, 20%           Ded, 40%
         Lab and X-Ray                      Ded, 10%           Ded, 30%             Ded, 20%           Ded, 40%
            Complex                         Ded, 10%           Ded, 30%             Ded, 20%           Ded, 40%
         Emergency Services                           Ded, 10%                              $250 Copay
         Urgent Care                        Ded, 10%           Ded, 30%            Ded Waived          Ded, 40%
                                                                                   $125 Copay
         Preventive Care                    Ded Waived         Ded, 30%            Ded Waived          Ded, 40%
                                             No Cost                                 No Cost
         Prescription Drugs
           Retail Pharmacy                  Ded, then:
           - Generic                        $10 Copay         Not Covered          $10 Copay          Not Covered
           - Preferred Brand                $30 Copay         Not Covered          $30 Copay          Not Covered
           - Non-Preferred Brand            $50 Copay         Not Covered          $50 Copay          Not Covered
           - Supply Limit                    30 Days              N/A                30 Days             N/A
           Mail Order Pharmacy              Ded, then:
           - Generic                        $25 Copay         Not Covered          $25 Copay          Not Covered
           - Preferred Brand                $75 Copay         Not Covered          $75 Copay          Not Covered
           - Non-Preferred Brand            $125 Copay        Not Covered          $125 Copay         Not Covered
           - Supply Limit                    90 Days              N/A                90 Days             N/A
           Self Administered Injectables
                                          Applicable Copay    Not Covered         Applicable Copay    Not Covered

            H             FINDING A MEDICAL PROVIDER:
                             HSA PPO: Go to or call (800) 244-6224. Refer to the “Open Access Plus, OA
                             Plus, Choice Fund OA Plus” medical plan when prompted.
                          •   PPO Buy-Up: Go to or call (800) 244-6224. Refer to the “Open Access Plus,
                             OA Plus, Choice Fund OA Plus” medical plan when prompted.

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