Page 13 - Tender Greens EE Guide 01-20
P. 13
Virtual Visits
When you don’t feel well, or your child is sick, the last thing you want to do is leave the comfort of home to sit in a waiting room.
Now you don’t have to.
Teladoc lets you see and talk to a doctor from your mobile device or computer without an appointment. Most visits take about
10-15 minutes and doctors can write a prescription, if needed, that you can pick up at your local pharmacy. This service is part
of your health benefits offered through Blue Shield.
PPO Plan: $5 per visit
PPO HDHP: $45 Copay (until the deductible is met, then $5 Copay)
Good For Not Good For
Colds, fever, and flu Anything that requires
Allergies a hands-on exam Accessing Teladoc
Sore Throat Anything requiring a Register today so you’ll be ready to use
Headache test Teladoc services when you need them.
Stomach Ache Cancer or other
and more! complex conditions
Chronic conditions
Sprains, broken bones, Or search for Teledoc’s mobile app in the
or injuries requiring Google Play or Apple App Store.
House Calls and On-Site Care
If you are a Blue Shield PPO HDHP or PPO medical participant, you
can see a doctor anytime, anywhere through Heal. This service is
provided to you when you are sick, well, or when you simply need
help finding a new primary care physician. With flexible service
offerings that coordinate with our Blue Shield health plans, let Heal
connect you with a great physician who provides on-demand house
calls where you’re seen in 2 hours or less.
After waiting for days or weeks to get an appointment with your PCP,
you might spend just 5-10 minutes with them after an average 22 Accessing Heal
minutes in the waiting room. Your Heal doctor house call is 400%
longer, averaging 31 minutes. Schedule a doctor house call 8:00am-
8:00pm, 7 days a week, 365 days a year
(including weekends and holidays).
PPO HDHP: 20% Coinsurance after deductible
PPO: $25 Copay
Team Member Benefits 13