Page 6 - OrangeTheory Benefits Guide 07-2019_V3
P. 6

Medical Benefits– HMO

                                                                                               Anthem Blue Cross
                                                        Plan Name
                                                                                                 BASE - HMO
                   Video – Learn About
                   Medical Plan Terms                   Network Name                           California Care HMO
                                                        Health Benefits
                                                        Lifetime Maximum                           Unlimited
           •   Deductible: The amount of out-of-
                                                        Deductible (Annual)
              pocket expenses that  you must pay for     - Individual
              before any expenses are payable by the     - Family                              $1,500 per member
                                                        Co-Insurance (Plan Pays)                     70%

           •   Copay: The flat dollar amount a covered   Office Visit Copay
                                                         - Primary Care Physician               $25 (ded. waived)
              individual is required to pay for certain
                                                         - Specialist Office Visit              $50 (ded. waived)
              services (could be before or after
              meeting any applicable deductible).       Out-of-Pocket Maximum
                                                         - Individual                         $6,400 (includes ded.)
           •   Coinsurance: A cost sharing agreement     - Family                        $12,800 (embedded; includes ded.)
              between the insurance company and         Hospitalization
              the insured where payment                  - Inpatient                             30% after ded.
              responsibility is shared for all claims    - Outpatient                            30% after ded.
              covered by the policy, usually expressed   Lab and X-Ray
              as a percentage.                          -Office / Freestanding Lab                 No charge
                                                        -Hospital                                30% after ded.
           •   Out-of-Pocket Maximum: The maximum
                                                        Imaging (CT/PET Scans, MRIs)
              amount you have to pay for covered         - Inpatient                             $250 after ded.
              services in a plan year. After you satisfy    - Outpatient                         30% after ded.
              the out-of-pocket maximum, the health
              plan will pay 100% of the costs of        Emergency Room                        $250 + 30% after ded.
              covered benefits for the remainder of     Emergency Transport/Ambulance          $100 (ded. waived)
              the plan year.
                                                        Urgent Care                             $25 (ded. waived)

           •   In-Network: Providers or facilities who   Preventive Care                           No charge
              have agreed to discounted fees with                                               $10 (ded. waived)
              insurance carriers to participate within   Chiropractic / Acupuncture Rider
                                                        (Direct Referral)
              their provider networks.                                                       30 visits per calendar year
                                                        Pharmacy Benefits
           •   Non-Network: A provider with whom an
                                                        Pharmacy Deductible                (Subject to Tiers 2-4; Select Rx)
              insurance carrier does not have a          - Individual                                $500
              contract to provide healthcare services.    - Family                                  $1,500
              A member may pay higher copays,
              coinsurance and/or deductibles to see a   Retail Pharmacy
              non-network provider or have no            - Generic Formulary (Tier 1)               $5/$20
              coverage at all.                           - Preferred Brand Formulary (Tier 2)        $50
                                                         - Non-Preferred Formulary (Tier 3)          $65
                                                         - Specialty (Tier 4)                    30% up to $250

                                                        Mail Order Pharmacy
                                                         - Generic Formulary (Tier 1)             $12.50/$50
                                                         - Preferred Brand Formulary (Tier 2)        $150
                                                         - Non-Preferred Formulary (Tier 3)          $195

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