Page 14 - I-Plants Magazine May 2021 Issue #5 v2
P. 14

Vertical Green

               Living Carpets

                                                    By Dr Vanessa Champion
                  Editor Journal of Biophilic Design / The Space Doctors /
          Video Credit: Everette Conklin – youtube link:

             A    lot of us live in cities or towns   Temperature control         building to cover, chat to a structural
                  where green space has been cur-
                                                                                  engineer and maybe an artist, as
                  tailed in favour of sidewalks and   Buildings thermal efficiency – buildings   collaborating with more people also
                  freeways. There are more and   are a major cause of global warming   benefits the community aspect and
           more studies explaining how being near   in the US for instance, 40% of total   helps spread the positive word of
           nature is good for our wellbeing and health,   carbon emissions, 50% used for space   your installation!
           inside and out. Also, with greater urbanisa-  heating and cooling…  solar reflection/
           tion we see an increase in pollution!   shading, latent heat evaporation, wind
                                                shelter = energy savings.
           Sometimes it might not be possible to dig                              Get seasonal!
           up the road and plant trees, but we have   Cities create little mini “Heat islands”,   If you love planting, why not consid-
           millions of square metres of walls (and   where the buildings reflect heat into   er a living wall you can switch up?
           roofs, which is another opportunity!)!  the environment, causing the area to
                                                be warmer than the surrounding areas.   Changing the colours, scents, struc-
                                                Living Walls reduce this by 14% (if you   tures of plants over the year. Plant
                                                                                  for spring, summer and fall, and don’t
           The Magic of the Green Wall.         combine with a green roof, you get a   forget the winter too, something that
                                                double whammy of 34%!)
           Did you know there are already nearly   Biodiversity                   has dramatic colour or structure like
           1,200,000 square metres of living walls in                             a pyracantha (which will grow up the
           US, Europe and Asia? Long gone are the   If you plant a variety of species outside,   wall on its own thank you very much!)
           days where the humble pot plant is the   you can get creative with your Living   will flower and spark joy during the
           only option designers have for livening up   walls can mimic different biodiverse   dark winter months is good for our
           an interior or the façade of a corporate   environments, shade, light, variety of   wellbeing. Biophilic Design isn’t just
           headquarters! Now with better technology   species, seasonal planting encouraging   for Spring or Summer!
           and improved containers there are more   pollinators, birds and little critters who
           and easier options for people to create   will naturally eat any bugs too. There
           living walls.                        are companies who can advise on   How about Living food gardens?
                                                which plants are best, and who can also   Herbs, Tomatoes, lettuce, strawber-
                                                help you design them (and install them   ry, salads… and just think of all that
           Here are some benefits of having these   for you too!).                colour!
           gorgeous green living wallpapers in our   Stress Busting
           cities, towns, workplaces and healthcare:
                                                With my Biophilic Design hat on,
           Reduces Air pollution                                                  Attention Restoration Theory
                                                many readers will know that seeing
           This is an obvious one! Healthier people,   and surrounding yourself with more   So, here’ a tip. Consider different
           makes for happier people. Roadside emis-  greenery and natural elements relieves   textures, colours, smells, shapes
           sions. 8 million deaths worldwide in 2018.   Psychosocial stress too. So aggression,   and sizes when you’re choosing your
           Premature deaths associate with poor air   crime rates all drop where there is more   planting. And there’s a reason for
           quality. Plants, their roots and soil remove   nature. Using biophilic design you can    this… You might have a look for the
           air pollutants.                      create a sense of place, where people   lovely, variegated red of a Heuchera,
                                                love to hang out, helping them have a   the various Philodendrons like the lit-
           Sound absorption                     positive experience of a space rather   tle rampant Cordatum or the Split-leaf
           Noise reduction/ improved acoustics…   than a stressful one.           version which I love, or the tropical
           nuisance noise. Did you know the World   Creativity                    looking Congo Green (where you can
           Health Organisation (WHO) claims that 1                                imagine there’s a family of gorillas liv-
           million healthy years of life are lost every   Pull on your inner Monet! There are   ing by the photocopiers), the Maranta
           year as a result of nuisance noise causing   many plants which love a living wall,   Red or an Antherium to give colour
           psychological stress. It’s not just us, it’s   varying planting patterns, colours,   and interest, shapes and structure. All
           our furry friends too, as urban wildlife   textures and by arranging containers of   these help with resetting our mindset
           also suffers! Plant foliage scatters higher   all these plants, you can create an im-  according to what people say in the
           frequency sounds.                    pressionist mural! If you have a massive   psychology business, the “Attention
                                                                                  Restoration Theory”.

           14                                                                         Making The New Normal Better!
                                                     Photo Credit: AD Classics: The Ford Foundation / Kevin Roche John Dinkeloo and Associates, copyright KRJDA
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