Page 22 - I-Plants Magazine May 2021 Issue #5 v2
P. 22
Research and Competition Play Major
Roles in the Bumpy Journey of the
I-P Industry - History part 3
Article By: Carolyn Goodin, CLP
I n the last issue, we saw a slew However, human nature sometimes makes
of health problems and a slew of
us forgetful. We follow our hearts to begin
regulations that inadvertently gave with, but then our intelligence gets in the
credence, to the health benefits of way. To the homemaker, budget is everything.
green plants. Plants were earning respect “Maybe I should spend less time and money
of health professionals as well as building on my house plants.” Other priorities, such as
planners. maintaining two incomes, so homeownership
The public was sold and our industry began can be realized, or the kids need their own
cars, child care has gone through the roof,
to grow in numbers of companies as well etc. left plants as a frivolity we can do without.
as the size of companies. Interior Plants- REALLY?!
caping was not quite an industry, however.
To be a full, fledged industry there must It was the same with CEO’s and business
be support businesses which help supply, owners. Budgets for certain priorities needed
stock, and outfit the fledgling. to be increased, while other lesser priori-
None the less, the plant industry began to ties needed to be reduced. The bottom line Silk plants indeed, off gas VOC’s. Sure, they
take off in the early ‘80’s, with Sick Build- always takes the front seat. On the other are natural forms but nothing would replace
ing Syndrome being the primary push for hand, need for office plants is of low priority. the benefits of the real thing.
cleaner indoor air. Plants seemed to be the first thing cut from Budgets being tight, CEO’s opted for Silk, as
the budget, when in fact, plants should be the
Marketing logans such as “Back to Nature, last things to leave. The very reason plants are the expense of maintenance was eliminat-
addressed “stress in the workplace,” and incorporated in indoor spaces is to give us a ed, as it was assumed.
“Bring the Outdoors, In,” provided some more healthful environment in which to work!
solutions for Sick Building Syndrome. Poor air quality? Sick Building Syndrome? Plants sales again waned as absenteeism,
Plantscapers wise enough to use these once again grew. Plus, the fake plants
marketing gifts from science, benefitted Not a problem any longer? DUH!! How quickly needed regular cleaning, which they did not
enormously. we forget! receive! Dirty, dust collectors which off
gas toxins, made people sick!
Their companies grew along with the pub- In the mid ‘80’s, a new competitor came to
market, Silk Plants. While on the one hand we
lic’s interest in Indoor Plants. Suppliers such were convinced that plants were the answer to Itchy, watery eyes, skin irritations, coughs
as nursery products, grow pots, the intro- our problems, budget constraints led to poor and the “sneezees” were back in force. “Hey,
duction of soilless mixes boosted the peat choices. Silk plant people were offering natural your silk plants are dying! Will we never
moss, vermiculite, and perlite consump- forms for the office and home, without the learn?!”
tion, and major plant supplying nurseries expense and bother of live plants. They had a The Interiorscape industry had to go
cropped up in Florida, Hawaii, California, great marketing program, but never consid- through all of these challenges. It was a
Canada, and in Europe. Interior Plantscaping ered the other health benefits of live plants, literal roller coaster ride.
was a bona fide industry at last. benefits which silk plants could never provide.
22 Making The New Normal Better!