Page 20 - I-Plants Magazine July 2021 TH_EB_TH_FINALJuly 30F5 update Aug 6
P. 20

NASA thus proved that Man MUST coexist among the   Nephrolepis bostoniensis
           green things, especially indoors where bad air tends to   Great for eliminating formaldehyde.  Typ-
           be trapped.  If people want to be healthy, plants must   ically, a hanging plant “Boston Fern” can
           be employed in indoor spaces.  Which plants delivered   and should be employed as table plants
           the most benefits?  The following list outlines the 10   as well.  Although it requires a good deal
                                                      of humidity, it also returns a good deal of
           most beneficial plants for cleaning indoor air pollution.    humidity.  It has a high transpiration rate
           They are not listed in order of effectiveness, but by the   because of multiple leaflets on its fronds.
           toxins they absorb.                        For dry indoor air it is a living humidifier.
                                                      It requires a bit more grooming and care,
                                                      but the grace and lacy appearance is
           These are the top 10, however there are many others   great for spirit lifting.  Ferns will grow well
           that have been added through continued studies.   in a north facing window where it tends to
           It would be wise to capitalize on this information in   be cooler.
           sales and marketing programs.  We are experiencing
           a contraction in the industry, presently, and it will be                Epipremnum aureum
           prudent to reinvent ourselves.  One of the best ways                    “Golden Pothos” is very effec-
           to get people to buy plants is to educate them to the                   tive for eliminating formalde-
           health benefits plants provide.  If we are to regrow our                hyde. Great for office plants,
           industry, it is quite frankly, up to us.  Ponder this!  Next            and anywhere synthetic
                                                                                   fabrics are employed.
           time we will add more history to the story. Until then,
           stay well and stay professional!

           Spathiphyllum,                                           Dracaena deremensis
           “Peace Lily”                                             fragrans
           Rich, shiny green foliage                                This is a cane plant that
                                                                    is available is many
           with   bright,  contrasting                              varieties. The ‘Janet
           white bracts, Spathiphyllum                              Craig’ with its rich
           is not only showy, but very                              green, shiny leaves is a
           effective  in  absorbing  irri-                          favorite.  These elimi-
           tants from the air. In fact,                             nate trichloroethylene
           this plant will absorb nearly                            from solvents, particu-
           all of the nasty VOC’s from                              larly varnishes. If there
           the air! It’s a Super air filter.                        is furniture in the room,
                                                                    there are varnishes!

           Sansevieria trifasciata
            ‘lauerntii’  Silver, or yellow edged
           Bow Stringed Hemp or Snake Plant                         Chamaedorea  seifrizii
           This plant does its work at night.                       Known as the “Bamboo
                                                                    Palm”  it has a high
           It is part of the CAM group (Cras-                       transpiration rate and
           sulacean Acid Metabolism.) Great                         thus adds humidity to
           plant for Bedrooms. It absorbs:                          the environment. It also
           formaldehyde, xylene (cigarette                          eliminates benzene and
           smoke) benzene and Trichloreth-                          trichloroethylene.  Its
           ylene. Another super filter!                             relatively slender form,
                                                                    allows it to be em-
                                                                    ployed in narrow areas.
                                                                    Placement near copy
                                                                    machines, a source of
           Hedera helix “English Ivy”                               VOC from computer ink,
           One of the best filters of cigarette                     is helpful.
           smoke and the carcinogens found
           within. Cleans air borne fecal
           matter from insects and rodents.
           Yes Rodents!

           20                                                                         Making The New Normal Better!
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