Page 25 - FINAL VERSION ---- Mar 2021_IPLANTS MAGAZINE_ Large (2) edit 0329 4
P. 25



                 hilst the people of         industry case to get the   t the time of writing,   he planning and lo-
           W Melbourne understood     answer – yes we were a   AMelbourne is only just  Tgistic issues to stay in
            the need to stop the esca-  permitted industry!    beginning to reduce Stage   business would make for
            lating spread of the virus   ow knowing we could   4 lockdown measures after   another article but the take
            and importantly the rising  Nwork we had to meet   10 weeks, with another 5 to   home message for me has
            death toll, the severity of   all of the Stage Govern-  6 weeks of gradual opening  been strength in numbers
            Stage 4 meant that many   ment requirements plus   up a head of us.          and cooperation to over-
            sites we had been able    explain and plead our case   s many plants as pos-  come the challenges.
            to access were now fully   to building managers who  Asible have been saved       orking together
            closed. Further we needed   had shut entire buildings   and deeper friendships  Wand having a strong
            to urgently know if we    and clients who themselves  formed with other interior   industry association to
            could still work as a permit-  were not allowed to visit   plantscaping businesses   unite and advocate will see
            ted industry.             their offices. The challenges  with unprecedented good   us recover, it will take time
               he Interior Plantscape   were great but client good   will and help between   but in Melbourne at least
            TAssociation and in       will and cooperation plus   members of the industry.  the light at the end of the
            particular Elaine Tunn came  discussions and informa-                        tunnel doesn’t seem to be a
            to our rescue, dealing with   tion sharing with other                        train anymore.
            the Victorian Authorities   interior plantscaspers really
            and presenting a unified   helped.


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