Page 44 - Fun with Mathematics 2
P. 44

(e)  The sum of a smaller number and difference is equal to the
                           (i)  greater number      (ii)  smaller number       (iii)  0       (iv)  1

                  7.  Fill in the blanks.

                       (a)  _________       –        4444          =         5555
                       (b)      8888        –  ___________  =                5555
                       (c)  _________       –        2222          =         5555
                       (d)      6666        –        1111          =  ___________

                  8.  Match the following:
                       (a)  9988 – 7722                         (i)  3322
                       (b)  8855 – 5533                        (ii)  2112
                           4 4
                       (c)  33  – 3221                        (iii)  1113
                       (d)  8228 – 6116                       (iv)  5225
                       (e)  7887 – 2662                        (v)  2266

                  9.  State whether the following statements are true or false.
                       (a)  The difference of the greatest  -digit number and the smallest 3-digit
                          number is 10099.                                                             (True/False)

                       (b)  The difference of the greatest 3-digit number and the smallest 2-digit
                          number is 989.                                                               (True/False)
                       (c)  The difference of the smallest 3-digit number and the greatest 2-digit

                          number and is 0.                                                             (True/False)
                       (d)  The difference of the greatest  -digit number and the greatest 3-digit
                          number is 900.                                                               ( True/False)
                       (e)  The difference of the greatest 3-digit number and the greatest 2-digit

                          number is 900.                                                               (True/False)

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