Page 11 - FoC 2022 WinterFall Newsletter FB
P. 11


      Jesus  is  16  with  multiple  disabilities  The resulting plan for Domitila and
      and  far behind  in  school  due to  the  her family provide not only a plan, but
      pandemic.  Sintya  is  13  and  attends  hope.  The  social  and  legal  team
      primary  school in  the morning then  registered  Domitila  and  her  children
      takes care of her siblings in the afternoon  for identities with the government and
      while  her  mother  is working. Deyvi is  guided them through all the government
      6  and  confined  to  a  wheelchair  with  programs to  receive disability  and
      hydrocephalus  and  muscular  atrophy.  subsistence  benefits.  These  benefits
      Mauricio is 5 and in a wheelchair with  increased their monthly  resources by
      muscular atrophy and some paralysis.   50%. The transformation team is putting
      Our team harnessed all  of  the       together  business  training,  financing
      professional  skills  of  our  staff  to   and  marketing  support  to  expand
      assess and  determine a plan  for the   Domitila’s business. The education team
      transformation of Domitila’s family. One   is  providing  a computer and  printer
      of the most challenging family situations   to enable Jesus and  Sintya to stay in
      we have ever encountered.             school, attend remotely when needed,
                                            to recover from the pandemic  and  for
      Our engineer,  Daniel  and his  team   Domitila to learn to read and write. The
      laid  out a plan  for their house  to   psychology team and all of ACAF build
      address  the needs of the disabled    confidence, guide and counsel the family
      children  and segregate  the  animals.   on their many, daily challenges. Daniel
      The professional psychologists of ACAF   and the construction team, with a tiny
      provided  counseling  and  a path for   bit of help from the gringos, completed
      Domitila  and  Sintya  as  caregivers  of   Domitila’s house by the end of the week,
      their disabled  family members. Our   culminated by Father Erasmo’s blessing
      Mission  social  workers including  our   ceremony!
      attorney, Carlos, identified government
      resources available  to the family and   The miraculous journey of Domitila and
      therapy programs for the children. Our   her family provide confirmation of our
      education department worked on a plan   Mission’s  ability  to  transform  the  lives
      for Jesus and Sintya to continue in their   of our brothers and sisters who face so
      schooling  and  for  Domitila  to  learn  to   much adversity and so many obstacles
      read and write. Father Erasmo and our   to escaping poverty. Your support makes
      pastoral team  provided spiritual  and   it  possible  for our miracle workers to
      emotional support. The transformation   provide hope  and  opportunity  where
      team  developed  a  plan  to  expand  her   none  existed.  On  behalf  of  Domitila
      business and increase her income.     and  all  of  the other families who  will
                                            receive holistic transformation from our
                                            Mission, thank you!                                                                                    PAGE 11
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