Page 5 - FoC Winter 2021 Newsletter
P. 5

Jorge Villar                                                                            ACAF

      ACAF Executive Director

      While there have been many challenges for
      us, over the past many months, God is
      good! This year we didn’t stop providing
      support to the hundreds of vulnerable                                         Asociacion Civil Apoyo
      families in need and week by week                                                        Familiar
      our staff rejoiced. Every time we went                                         (Civil Association Supporting Families)
      to bring food supplies, water, health
      campaigns to the most vulnerable
      and unattended poor communities;                                               The Peruvian faith-based, civil
      specially  one:  called  “Bellavista                                          association was created in 2005
      – Cambio Puente”, as soon as we                                               to administer Mission programs.
      started to  serve; our hearts were                                              Over 90 Peruvian employees
      filled  with  love  and  compassion.                                              of ACAF utilize the donor
      Many  unforgettable  stories and  the
      most wonderful experiences every time                                          funding secured and managed
      we built and provided  a prefabricated                                           by Friends of Chimbote to
      house to a family that was living in misery and                                  combat the daily affects of
      unacceptable conditions.                                                       poverty while empowering the
                                                                                      poor through education and
      Every time we blessed a new house was a day, where the families, especially     transformation opportunities.
      the brave mothers, renewed their hope. I wish you were here to experience
      the joy and the smiles on the children’s faces playing on a bed where now       Meeting the diverse needs of
      they can sleep and feel safe. I have to say that we are having a lot of success   the poor are a dedicated staff of
      and satisfaction because we are accomplishing our purpose. Together we         social workers, psychologists,
      are: “empowering and transforming the lives of the most vulnerable families”.    teachers, attorneys, lenders,
                                                                                          construction workers,
      As Thanksgiving and Christmas season is upon us, there still so much to be      carpenters, trainers, guards
      thankful for even through this challenging year. All of what we accomplish
      this year could not have been possible without you. I want to let you know      and maintenance personnel.
      that your support has been a huge part of our success. I am so thankful to
      you! Thank you on behalf of our staff and beneficiaries. We continue praying
      so the health conditions and restriction improve soon. We look forward to         ACAF leaders are in the
      having you here in Chimbote to experience first-hand the positive changes      community each day to assess
      and transformations that together we are doing.   Muchas Gracias!!             needs, manage employees and
                                                                      Jorge         visitors working in the programs
                                                                                     and collaborate with community
                                                                                     leaders. The ACAF Board is a
                                                                                      qualified group of community
                                                                                        leaders and a Friends of
                                                                                      Chimbote liaison. Friends of
                                                                                     Chimbote and ACAF staff and
                                                                                      leaders interact dynamically
                                                                                     each week to effectively deliver
                                                                                           Mission programs.

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