Page 18 - HUB South East Annual Report 2020-21
P. 18
lARgest Hub pRojeCt In sCotlAnd
680 WoRK 27 neW plACeMent jobs
pupIl/student vIsIts 2620
20pRoFessIonAl eMployMent
(including graduates)
AppRentICesHIps 113 & tRAInees
(new and existing)
CoMpleted pRojeCt
eAst lotHIAn
coMMunity HoSPital
this project delivered a three storey, 22,000sqm purpose- built hospital, consolidating and repatriating clinical services which were dispersed across various sites, into one new facility. it’s a great example of the strength of Hub’s strategic support service as we began our involvement with what was at the time a ground-breaking approach to demand and capacity analysis. the initial agreement for the project was endorsed by Scottish Government as an exemplar model and strong partnership working then continued throughout the design, development and construction of the project, resulting in a high-quality
tier 1 contractor
nHs lothian
Morrison Construction
september 2020
facility, delivered on time and within budget, realising a range of community bene ts and social value.
"It really is a fantastic, attractive facility that is helping us to deliver high quality care, closer to home. This is convenient for our patients and helps relieve pressure on other hospital sites. The project has been a really positive example of integrated planning and delivery between NHS Lothian, East Lothian Health and Social Care Partnership and East Lothian Council working alongside our development partner Hub South East.” calum campbell, chief Executive of nHS lothian