Page 19 - HUB South East Annual Report 2020-21
P. 19

loWeR CARbon pIlot pRojeCt And enHAnCed quAlIty MeAsuRes duRIng ConstRuCtIon
127 WoRK 8 neW jobs plACeMent
pupIl/student vIsIts 229
2 pRoFessIonAl eMployMent
(including graduates)
AppRentICesHIps 23 & tRAInees
(new and existing)
CoMpleted pRojeCt
HiGH ScHool
this 1200 pupil capacity High School, which was part of a Scottish Futures trust supported lower carbon pilot, incorporates a sports hall and new 6 lane swimming pool (increased in size from 4 lanes after taking into account community feedback) as well as a number of areas which are accessible locally. the new school was built on the old school’s playing  elds and once complete (although out with this reporting period), the old school was demolished, with the area landscaped and a new pitch created on the site.
tier 1 contractor complete
City of edinburgh Council £40m
Morrison Construction july 2020
“It provides high quality, modern facilities for pupils and teaching staff, and features a low carbon design which will deliver energy efficiencies. The school will also provide much-needed community facilities and many of the areas will be easily accessible to the public. This is the latest successful partnership with Hub South East Scotland and the Scottish Government’s Schools for the Future programme.”
councillor ian Perry, convener for Education, children and Families, the city of Edinburgh council.

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