Page 21 - HUB South East Annual Report 2020-21
P. 21

open plAn leARnIng In tHe HeARt oF A neW CoMMunIty - delIveRed AHeAd oF sCHedule
opportunities for smaller groups to gather or learn with views towards the village square. classroom accommodation is semi-open plan providing connection
with adjacent  exible breakout zones whilst offering views over the landscaped playground.
both staff and pupils are delighted with the new calderwood Primary and the
potential it brings to improve the learner journey and they are already enjoying their new space which has now become ‘a home’, with overwhelmingly positive feedback.
“Our vision at Calderwood Primary is to go beyond the dream and we have certainly done that in our  rst few days, all together in our amazing new school.
“There has been a real buzz of excitement with our children, staff and whole school community.”
calderwood Primary Head teacher, Sarah burton
scan this qR code to see a drone  y through of the new calderwood Primary.

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