Page 154 - MS Office 365 for Dummies 3rd Ed (2019)
P. 154
» Report Library: This library app type is dedicated to web pages and docu- ments that keep track of performance (and other such metrics), progress toward business goals, and other information used in business intelligence.
» Site Mailbox: This library app type is useful to keep email and your docu- ments closely connected because this app connects your site to an Exchange mailbox. Once connected, you can view your email in SharePoint and view your documents in Outlook.
» Wiki Page Library: Library apps of this type have interconnected web pages containing content, such as text or images and functionality in the form of Web Parts that multiple users can edit easily.
Making information available with pages
You can create and develop pages to share information with others. A page is nothing more than a web page, and SharePoint Online has made a lot of progress in making page creation and development easier than in previous versions.
In the past, you had to understand different types of pages, including content pages, Web Part pages, and publishing pages. These page types are still available behind the scenes, but the on ramp for getting started has been dramatically reduced. You can now create a page and publish it without ever needing to under- stand the page types. To create a new page and add content:
1. OpenyourwebbrowserandnavigatetotheSharePointsitewhereyou want to add a page.
2. Clickthegeariconinthetop-rightcornerofthepageandselectAdda Page.
A template page is displayed and you can start entering content as shown in Figure 9-3. You can add a title and then click the plus signs in order to add content. The plus sign on the left allows you to change the number of columns on the page, and the plus sign for each column allows you to add content to the column.
3. Whenyouarereadytopublishyourpage,clickthePublishbuttoninthe top-right corner of the page.
The Publish dialog box appears and you can add the page to your navigation, copy a link, post the new page as news to the site, or email the page to others. The Publish dialog box is shown in Figure 9-4.
138 PART3 ExploringSharePointOnline