Page 197 - MS Office 365 for Dummies 3rd Ed (2019)
P. 197
FIGURE 13-5:
AI-suggested SmartArt design ideas for stepped content.
Adding an image and making your file accessible
They say a picture is worth a thousand words. This is especially true when you’re telling a story using a PowerPoint presentation. Let’s add an image to the presentation created in the previous section.
1. Right-clickintheleftpaneofthepresentationandselectNewSlide.
2. Fromtheribbon,clicktheInserttab.
3. ClickOnlinePicturesandthenselectPicturefromBing.
Notice that PowerPoint Online and the rest of the applications in Office Online now includes high-quality Creative Commons licensed pictures.
4. Inthesearchbox,enter“workplacediversity”andpressEnteronyour keyboard.
Several suggested images are presented, as shown in Figure 13-6. For this tutorial, we selected an image with a group of people and then clicked the Insert button.
Notice that when the image is inserted in the presentation, an Alt Text is automatically generated (see Figure 13-7). This new feature is powered by AI, so when you insert an image from either your hard drive or from a source online, the AI service automatically recognizes the image and adds a text description that can be read by screen readers to help those who have visual disabilities. Without any effort on your part, you just made your document accessible. Isn’t that neat?
5. SelectaDesignIdeafromtherightpaneandthenaddatitletoyourslide.
As you continue to edit your presentation, your work is automatically saved. When you’re done, you can simply log out or navigate back to the PowerPoint Online Welcome page.
CHAPTER13 PresentingLikeaProwithPowerPointOnline 181