Page 217 - MS Office 365 for Dummies 3rd Ed (2019)
P. 217
1. ClickTeamsfromtheAppbar.
2. ClicktheJoinorCreateaTeamlinkthatappearsatthebottomofthe
App bar.
3. ClicktheCreateaTeamcard.
4. EnterthenameanddescriptionoftheTeam.
5. ChoosetheprivacysettingsforyourTeam(PrivateorPublic).
A Private Team means only team owners can add members, while a Public Team means anyone in your organization can join the Team.
6. ClickNext.
7. Addmemberstoyourteambyaddingeitheraname,emailaddress,a
distribution list, or a mail-enabled security group in the Add box.
A Team can have a maximum of 2,500 members from either your organization or external users through secure guest access.
8. Optionally,youcanchoosetheroleoftheTeammember(Owneror Member) by clicking the drop-down arrow next to Member.
If you forget to do this, you can update the membership type later.
9. ClickClose.
Team management features are accessed by clicking the ellipses next to your
Team name in the App bar. The following management options are available:
• Manage Team launches the Members tab where you can add or remove members, change the role of a member, or search for a member (see Figure 15-5).
• Add a channel launches a dialog box where you can enter a channel name and the description for the channel.
• Add members launches a dialog box where you can enter the names of people, distribution lists, or mail-enabled security groups to add to your Team.
• Leave the team launches a validation window that asks you to confirm your intent to leave the Team.
• Edit team launches a dialog box where you can change the Team name, the team description, and privacy settings.
• Get link to team launches a dialog box where you can copy the URL for the Team to share with others.
• Delete the team launches a validation window that asks you to confirm your intent to delete the Team.
CHAPTER15 SuperchargingYourTeamwithMicrosoftTeams 201