Page 219 - MS Office 365 for Dummies 3rd Ed (2019)
P. 219
FIGURE 15-6:
Opening a file in SharePoint from Teams.
To share a file in Teams:
1. SelectTeamsfromtheAppbar.
2. ComposeamessageintheComposeboxfromachannel.
3. ClicktheAttachicon(itlookslikeapaperclip)belowtheComposebox and select the source for the attachment you want to share.
4. Selectthefilefromthesourceanduploadit.
The file you uploaded will now be embedded in the message.
5. ClicktheSendicon(itlookslikeanairplane)topostyourmessage. The file you shared will also show up in the Files tab.
Alternatively, you can go directly to the Files tab and click the Upload button to upload a file. Once the file is uploaded, click the name of the file to open it. Once opened, you can start a conversation with others regarding the document.
CHAPTER15 SuperchargingYourTeamwithMicrosoftTeams 203