Page 103 - Hotel Tunnel's 100 Years of History
P. 103

   Berättelsen bakom detta badrum
Under år 2014-2015 genomförde vi en omfattande badrumsrenoveringar här på
hotellet. Under denna period hittade vi en gammal broschyr i vilken en glad ung kvinna tog ett bad. Denna typ av badkar finner ni i rum 306, 405 och 406. Badrummen är faktiskt gjorda i marmor, men åren har tärt på dem. Dock bestämde vi, med denna dokumentation i hand, att det skulle vara synd att riva
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   The story behind this bathroom
During 2014-2015 we were in the process of renovating some of the bathrooms here in the hotel. During this process we came across an old brochure in which a happy young lady was taking a nice long warm bath. This type of bath, you find in the following rooms, 306, 405 and 406. These bathrooms are actually made of solid marble, but the years have taken their toll. However, with the documentation in hand we decided that it would be a pity to tear out this piece of the hotels history. We hope you too feel the same way.

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